Saturday, January 30, 2010




O Lord,
support us all the day long,
until the shadows lengthen,
and the evening comes,
and the busy world is hushed,
and the fever of life is over,
and our work is done.
Then in thy mercy,
grant us a safe lodging,
and a holy rest,
and peace at the last.
Book of Common Prayer

Friday, January 29, 2010



I had a blog up on Kaleider software
some time back, and thought it was time
to do something more, just for a hoot.
Here's some simple mandalas using it.
You can take any photo, graphic, etc. and
create an unlimited number of variations -
various kaliediscope patterns,
mirror and funnel imagery, and more,
either as full-frame screen rectangles,
circular mandalas (think T-shirts) like these,
and whatever else you could dream up using
a little imagination.
The files on the images above
are large enough for a screen saver,
or whatever. Click away if you like 'em.
The textile-looking ones are from
photos of Navajo rugs.
No, I've not been paid to do this -
I just enjoy creative software that's
inexpensive and really neat.
Find out more about the fun:

I'll get a video piece using the software
up when I have the time - wild stuff...!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010





From: SELLING GOD - American Religion
in the Marketplace of Culture,
by R. Laurence Moore
Religious leaders had started national life
aware that they had to deal with competition.
They said so in many forums, and in one way or
another they declared it a problem.
All procedures were in the beginning ad hoc.
Innovation was a forced option. One locus
of competition was between denominations,
but in some ways that was the easy part of it.
The unexpected proliferation and prosperity
of new religious groups aided church leaders
generally. Looming as a bigger problem was
competition with non-religious enterprises on
the cultural landscape that attracted people's
attention and energies. Many of those
enterprises were changing the nature of leisure
in the United States. Increasingly, they turned
casual pastimes into organized businesses.
Religious leaders entered a long struggle
to try to control the direction that commercial
culture took. In many ways, religion's determined
intrusion into the marketplace of culture made
that arena the central moral battleground of
American life. What religious leaders did early
in national history, they continued to do later.
They opposed many new forms of commercial
culture as they came along. They tried to set up
attractive, alternative diversions under church
sponsorship. They fought with cultural
entrepreneurs who resisted the idea of running
their businesses according to guidelines dictated
by a Protestant moral economy.
These efforts gave American religious life a
distinctive quality that was radically different
from what it had been in the colonial era.
For one thing, almost all of them committed
religious leaders to a process of popularization.
They had to attract people to what they were doing.
Whether they were trying to clamp controls
on the marketplace of culture or not,
they found themselves using the language
of selling and commodification.

Saturday, January 23, 2010



Mysticism, as the technique of the
consciousness of the presence of God,
is altogether praiseworthy, but when such
practices lead to social isolation and culminate
in religious fanaticism, they are all but reprehensible.
Altogether too frequently that which the overwrought
mystic evaluates as divine inspiration is the uprisings
of his own deep mind. The contact of the mortal mind
with its indwelling Adjuster, while often favored by
devoted meditation, is more frequently facilitated
by wholehearted and loving service in unselfish
ministry to one's fellow creatures.
The great religious teachers and prophets
of past ages were not extreme mystics. They
were God-knowing men and women who best
served their God by unselfish ministry to their
fellow mortals. Jesus often took his apostles away
by themselves for short periods to engage in meditation
and prayer, but for the most part he kept them in
service-contact with the multitudes. The soul
of man requires spiritual exercise as well as
spiritual nourishment.
Religious ecstasy is permissible when
resulting from sane antecedents. but such
experiences are more often the outgrowth of
purely emotional influences than a manifestation
of deep spiritual character. Religious persons must
not regard every vivid psychologic presentiment
and every intense emotional experience as a divine
revelation or a spiritual communication.
Genuine spiritual ecstasy is usually associated
with great outward calmness and almost perfect
emotional control. But true prophetic vision
is a superpsychologic presentiment.
Such visitations are not pseudo hallucinations,
neither are they trancelike ecstacies.
The Urantia Book
Part III, 91, 7

Thursday, January 21, 2010



From TIMESONLINE, January 21, 2010

Israel has stopped issuing work permits to

foreign aid workers in the West Bank and

East Jerusalem, sparking fears about the future

of relief operations in the Palestinian territories.

The move came amid pressure from right-wing

Israeli groups to crack down on non-governmental

organizations, which are often seen as having a

political, anti-Israeli bias.

Some left-wing Israeli groups have accused Israel

of "declaring war" on foreign groups such as

Human Rights Watch and Oxfam, which have been

critical of Israel's blockade of Gaza.


Read the entire story here: