Thursday, February 10, 2011


 Sir Thomas Browne - 1605-1682
I have resolved to pray more and pray always,
to pray in all places where quietness inviteth;
in the house, on the highway and on the street;
and to know no street or passage in this city
 that may not witness that I have not
 forgotten God.

I propose to take occasion of praying upon the sight
 of any church which I may pass,
 that God may be worshipped there in spirit,
 and that souls may be saved there;
to pray for my sick patients and for
 the patients of other physicians;

at my entrance into any home to say,
 "May the peace of God abide here ;"
after hearing a sermon, to pray for
 a blessing on God's truth, and upon the messenger;
upon the sight of a beautiful person,
 to bless God for His creatures, 
to pray for the beauty of such one's soul, 
that God may enrich her with inward graces,
 and that the outward and inward may correspond;
upon the sight of a deformed person,
 to pray God to give them wholeness of soul,
 and by and by to give them
 the beauty of the resurrection.
 Sir Thomas Browne, M.D.
Here's a link to Doctors Without Borders:


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