Friday, February 18, 2011



Service is fundamentally powerful.
It is true that perhaps only a few people
will receive this insight. And perhaps even
fewer will act on it. But if we
truly seek to fulfill our life mission,
then we must act on the service insight.
Service is important at every level.
A mother in South Central Los Angeles
loses a daughter to street violence.
In her grief, she asks, "What can I do?"
Her Inner Wisdom tells her,
"Start with a youth outreach."
She does. With no building,
no facilities, and no equipment, she begins
to hold meetings regularly under a tree
in her front yard. Elementary and middle school
students respond. Today, after-school programs
exist in six different churches in South
Central Los Angeles because of her efforts.
It all started with a decision to serve.

Fulfilling your mission through service
is the essence of leadership. It means that
you are willing to go out ahead,
to show the way, to be open to the unusual,
to follow inspiration.
Service transforms your sense of mission
and attracts followers. Other lives are touched.
Others see more clearly what is best because
of our example of service. Our task is
to put the law of service and reciprocity
into effect daily, not just to help ourselves
but to show the way for others.

 . .
Vow to serve.
Make a decision that wherever you go and
whomever you encounter, you will bring them
a gift. Let it be a gift of encouragement
or a compliment; give a gift of your
belief in the other person.
Give the gift of prayer,
the gift of trust, the gift of
accountability, knowing that when we hold
ourselves accountable to give back can we
also hold others accountable.

Make service the center of your
conscious activities, rather than an
occasional or random act. Service needs
to become the very lifeblood of the process
of fulfilling one's mission.

It's not that spur-of-the-moment
 demonstrations of kindness are wrong.
 It's simply that we cannot fulfill our mission
 by waiting until it "feels right."

 by Greg Anderson


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