Saturday, August 13, 2011


The prayer below was written by Mike Smith, Editor
of the Spartanburg Herald Journal, Spartanburg, South Carolina.
This is only part of it - the link to the entire prayer is below this text.
Lord, the traditional institutions of the media are crumbling under economic pressure. While some of us may be tempted to celebrate this destruction, the death of these institutions will leave a void that will be filled by less responsible avenues of information. Already, news outlets that seek to provide objective information are over-shadowed by outlets that seek only their own segment of our population and tell that fraction only what they want to hear. This divides rather than unites us. This often obscures rather than reveals the truth. And it furthers the antagonism in our society that demonizes anyone who disagrees with the prevailing views.

 Lord, give our people a renewed hunger for the truth rather than the confirmation of their own preconceptions and prejudices. You have told us that the truth will set us free.
Too many of us are not interested in learning the truth and
too few of us are interested in spreading it.
 Change our hearts Lord.
 Give our nation a true curiosity to learn the truth and allow those news outlets who reveal that truth to grow and prosper.

Lord, too often we see a media today that looks down its nose at traditional social institutions, at ethical standards other than its own relativism, at faith itself. Give those of us in the media respect for those institutions, values and faith.
 Help us to realize that God is not mocked, and when people of faith and devotion to you are denigrated that our society is harmed, cheapened and made a little more brutal.
Lord, give us a media that lifts us up rather than drags us down. Give us a media that celebrates the good rather than the evil. Help our media and our society to move away from the voyeurism and the celebration of degradation that characterizes much of our entertainment. Help us not to revel in gossip and the tearing away of others’ privacy. Help us to rise above an interest in seeing others debase themselves by surviving tortures and being stripped of human dignity.
 Lord, give us a news and entertainment media that pushes us to become better rather than to reduce us to our basest level.
Lord, make us a media that acknowledges evil but refuses to celebrate it. Make us a media that exults in triumph and perseverance and joy and virtue. Lord, make us a media that tells us what is happening and tells us forthrightly and honestly. Make us a media that not only tells us what’s wrong, but make us a media that also points us to whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable. Let us report on what is excellent or praiseworthy as well as what is outrageous and shocking.
Lord, make us a media that acknowledges the worst in us, but refuses to wallow in that evil.
To see the complete prayer, go here:
From The Book of Common Prayer
of the Episcopal Church
Prayer 39.  For those who Influence Public Opinion
Almighty God, you proclaim your truth in every age
by many voices; Direct, in our time, we pray, those who speak
where many listen and write what many read;
that they may do their part in making the heart
of this people wise, its mind sound, and its will righteous;
to the honor of Jesus Christ our Lord.

 The prayer below is from the Catholic
Pauline Order, a media-centered religious group
of priests and brothers.
Father, in a world deafened by a cacaphony of sounds,
 may all be able to hear your whispering voice. 
We ask this first of all for ourselves, men dedicated to the
 Sacred Scriptures and the teaching of the Church, who must
 communicate your truth, Father, in a world
 that would prefer to hear lies.
Secondly, we ask this for all who work in media,
 the press, radio, television, the internet.
 May they cherish truth more strongly than their own
 prejudices and personal agendas. May they present truth
 in a way that will enlighten hearts rather than
 inflame passions and conflicts.
Thirdly, we pray for the artists and musicians of the world.
 May they utilize their talents to give you glory and in the
 process receive the recognition that they deserve.
 May they expose the horror and error of sin and 
the beauty and truth of virtue. We ask this Father,
 in the name of your Son, our Divine Master, the Way,
 the Truth and the Life, who lives and reigns gently with you,
 and the Holy Spirit, one loving God, forever and ever.


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