Friday, May 18, 2012


Division of Church and state doesn't really exist
 in Washington D.C.  Taxpayers pay the Senate Chaplain
a whopping salary of $155,000 a year, not including perks
 and benefits most of us can only dream of.
The Senate of the United States opens every
 session with a prayer.
It is delivered usually in less than 60 seconds
 by the Senate Chaplain.
On February 13, 2012 the Senate Chaplain offered the following prayer:
Let us pray:
“Lord God Omnipotent, You are above all nations. Take our lives and use them for Your purposes. Lord, cleanse our hearts, forgive our sins, and teach us to amend our ways as Your transforming grace changes our lives.
Today, inspire our Senators to be true servants of Your will. In these challenging times, give them the wisdom to labor for justice, to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with You. Keep their minds and spirits steady as they strive to please You. We pray in Your sacred Name.”
The current Senate Chaplain is Dr. Barry Black.
On June 27, 2003, Rear Admiral Barry C. Black (Ret.) was “elected” the 62nd Chaplain of the United States Senate.  He began working in the Senate on July 7, 2003.  Prior to coming to Capitol Hill, Chaplain Black served in the U.S. Navy for over twenty-seven years, ending his distinguished career as the Chief of Navy Chaplains.
 The Senate elected its first chaplain in 1789.
Chaplain Black is a Seventh-day Adventist, by religious affiliation .
The Seventh-day Adventist denomination are expressed in its 28 Fundamental Beliefs.
This statement of beliefs was originally adopted by the General Conference in 1980, with an additional belief (number 11) being added in 2005. Acceptance of either of the church's two baptismal vows is a prerequisite for membership.
Adventists claim but one creed:
“The Bible, and the Bible alone.”
Adventist doctrine resembles trinitarian Protestant theology, with premillennial and Arminian emphases.
 Adventists uphold teachings such as the infallibility of Scripture, the substitutionary atonement, the resurrection of the dead and justification by faith alone, and are therefore often considered evangelical.
In common with certain other Christian churches, they believe in baptism by immersion and creation in six literal days.
 (The modern Creationist movement started with Adventist George McCready Price, who was inspired by a vision
of Ellen White.)
In addition, there is a generally recognized set of "distinctive" doctrines which distinguish Adventism from the rest of the Christian world, although not all of these teachings are wholly unique to Adventism.
“Criticism of the Seventh Day Adventist are many, and include the fact that they consider Ellen White as a modern day prophet…”, says Minister Mohammed B. Zeller of Charlotte, N.C. “Some suggest it deviates from what many would consider orthodox Christianity. But let’s face it there is such division within Christianity, such a variant of beliefs and creeds especially among Protestants that it would take a life time to explore them all”, he said.
“Besides the Bible, Seventh Day believers look for inspiration and teachings in so called dreams and visions such as those of Mrs. White”, says Vernon Anderson of Charlotte, a Baptist Minister serving with the First Baptist Church in Charlotte. “These particular beliefs are cult like in nature”, he said.
“There is supposed to be a separation of church and state. Such a division does not really exist, at least in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives”, says Maureen Gore of Charlotte, a Constitutional expert who works as a consultant in Washington for a major lobbyist firm.
An email seeking clarifications of the religious beliefs of the Senate Chaplain Barry Black went unanswered as of publication of this special report.
Robert Tilford
Charlotte, N.C.
This whole thing is way, way out of line.
It's a nutcase religion to begin with; well, maybe
that's a little strong.  But any of them that 
insist on literal interpretation of the Bible are off -
it's all metaphors when it comes to a lot of the
ancient, ancient material -
the world actually created in 6 days, the apple
and the snake in the garden, and the other fables.
And then there's the problem that much of the
old material was rewritten to put the Jews in what
might be called "a favorable light."
In the Old Testament they won battles, that today
archaeologists and historians say they lost, and
lost big-time.
  True religion doesn't deny science.
True faith doesn't peddle legend as dogma.
True religion doesn't deny historical fact.
  Truth is a divine attribute.
The obscenity of paying this jackal all that damn money
is as wrong as it gets.  The Senate.
That den of thieves. 
May they all get what they deserve, O Lord,
and soon we pray Lord, soon.

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