Tuesday, April 27, 2010


The oil spill coming from 5,000 ft. below the surface
is the light gray irregular shape off the coast near the
Mississippi delta - now about 40 miles away from
the Delta and Breton National Wildlife Refuges.

Bad place, bad time. One of the nation's most fragile ecosystems, southern Louisiana and the Mississippi delta region, is under threat of being "gooified" by the oil spill, gushing 42,000 gallons a day, right during breeding season for shore-birds and other waterfowl, fish, and  amphibians.  British Petroleum, operator of the aptly named drilling platform "Deepwater Horizon," (the rig's horizon is deep in deepwater now) yesterday reported record earnings of 5.6 billiondollars in the first three months of the year.
"I say old chap, good show, and all that -
just an absolutely stunning performance!
The brown pelican, which not long ago got removed
from the "endangered" list, is a major character
in these islands and coastal byways. It was efforts made
for the brown pelicans' welfare and survival over
a hundred years ago in Florida that led to
the establishment of the
national wildlife refuge system.
Breton is the second oldest refuge in the
system, created in 1904.
Editor's Note:
An update to this post was added days after
this was published, with further info.

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