He was a pervert who bought his way
out of trouble. He should have been thrown
in prison long ago, where the boys could
have given him the "treatment" inmates
reserve for pedophiles.
No more moon walking after that treatment.
The fact that many people, and the media,
refer to him as a "pop icon" is a sure sign
of how far the country has sunk.
You like him?
Then go burn in hell with him.
As the old story goes - you'd be better off
with a millstone around your neck and
cast into the sea, rather than ever giving
bad example to the young.
And Michael gave lots of bad example to the young.
The Mexican newspaper headline had it right on target:
out of trouble. He should have been thrown
in prison long ago, where the boys could
have given him the "treatment" inmates
reserve for pedophiles.
No more moon walking after that treatment.
The fact that many people, and the media,
refer to him as a "pop icon" is a sure sign
of how far the country has sunk.
You like him?
Then go burn in hell with him.
As the old story goes - you'd be better off
with a millstone around your neck and
cast into the sea, rather than ever giving
bad example to the young.
And Michael gave lots of bad example to the young.
The Mexican newspaper headline had it right on target: