

When Jesus said, "I am the way,"
He meant that to have a true relationship with
God, you must practice His way. In the
Acts of the Apostles, the early Christians always
spoke of their faith as "the Way." To me,
"I am the way" is a better statement than
"I know the way." The way is not an asphalt
road. But we must distinguish between the
"I" spoken by Jesus and the "I" that people
usually think of.
The "I" in His statement
The "I" in His statement
is life itself, His life, which is the way.
If you do not really look at his life, you
cannot see the way.
If you only
If you only
satisfy yourself with praising a name,
even the name of Jesus, it is not
practicing the life of Jesus.
We must practice living deeply, loving,
and acting with charity if we wish to truly
honor Jesus. The way is Jesus Himself
A true teaching is not static.
It is not mere words but the reality of life.
Many who have neither the way or the life
try to impose on others what they believe
to be the way. But these are only words
that have no connection with real life
or a real way.
When we understand and practice deeply
the life and teachings of Buddha or
the life and teachings of Jesus,
we penetrate the door and enter the abode
of the living Buddha and the living Christ,
and life eternal presents itself to us.
From Living Buddha, Living Christ
Thich Nhat Hanh
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